Thursday 11 November 2010

Initial Music Magazine Ideas

Although i've been doing alot of work and thinking of several ideas for my magazine, i still haven't decided on a name i am completely happy with for my magazine. However, i've decided on my magazines punch line - "The fashion behind the music". I think that, although my punch line is almost, cheesy, it is very memorable and is too the point, and will look excellent when its written on the my cover/contents page, as it explains exactly what the magazine and that way will attract my target demographic easily. My magazine is going to be very highly fashion based, and i think that fashion has a huge impact on music and performance art.

The initial thoughts when it came to a target demographic was gender. I realised that because i was doing a fashion & music based magazine, it wouldn't have a large male attraction (although would have some from those interested), So my magazine will be aimed at women. I then came to thinking about the age group i will aim my magazine at. My magazine is going to feature many different bands and artists but will mainly stick to pop and indie music/culture (artists such as Lady Gaga, Florence & the Machine, Hockey, etc). The idea of culture then ties in the with idea of fashion, and my magazine will feature fashion of quite a high-end/eccentric look (with brands such as House of Holland, Topshop & Vivienne Westwood) - And because i am choosing to put rather large (& expensive at times) labels in my magazine (as apose to New look or Primark), i think that my magazine should be aimed at a more sophisticated and older market, but those who care alot about their look and are up for trying new things when it comes to fashion. Thats why i chose to target an age group of people from 16-30. My magazine will also talk quite in-depth about music and the stories behind certain songs and the artists (including interviews as well as research done by writers), as well as talking about fashion and the way culture and music influences us - So, Although my magazine's intellectual level will be reletively average, it may be just above average at people who would actually enjoy reading and understand these kinds of stories. Also, I will base my magazine in England, and talk about venues from across the UK and only include brands/labels that are available in-stores or online in the UK, and when fashion is photographed and put in the magazine, the prices will be put in pounds (The idea of having a world-wide magazine, or outside of the UK atleast would be ridiculous when it comes to fashion as some would find it annoying when they were unable to purchase certain things in the magazines).

My Magazine would mainly be aimed at Aspirers and people who want to (or are) living the Cosmpolitan lifestyle. I have looked at the psychographic for my magazine in this way, as well, i have looked at the 'UK tribes' website to give an example of several 'tribes' that may be attracted to my magazine.
"Indie Scenesters" -
"Rahs" -
"Trendies" -
"Hipsters" -
"Casuals" -

I have decided that my magazine will be priced at £4. I have chosen this because, although it is quite expensive, my magazine will only be monthly so it will be almost an 'investment'. Also, my magazine will have alot in it and will be quite jam-packed full of music, stories, interviews, fashion and advertisements (like 'Vogue' or 'Dazed and Confused'). Realisticly, my magazine therefore only works out at being £1 a week, which is alot cheaper then any other music/fashion weeklies.

My Magazine will be very similar to NME when it comes to music, in the sense that it will have alot of band news, band reviews, gig reviews, interviews, and info about up & coming events, Also, it will follow some of the same 'indie' like bands NME does such as Friendly Fires and Mumford & Sons. However, when it comes to the fashion involved in my magazine, my magazine will be a mix of magazines such as Grazia and Vogue. Grazia is a magazine that aims at people who want the designer look, but also aims at people interested in the High street. Also, Grazia talks alot about celebrities, this will tie in well when it comes to talking about 'real life' with artists in my magazine. Vogue, on the other hand, is a very high-end fashion based magazine and aim's at people who take fashion really seriously - talking about everything from up and coming designers, to the culture and inspiration behind certain designers and their fashion. Also, i love the chic & simple covers that vogue always create, with one image covering the whole page, and the coverlines and title revolving around tha - This is one of my ideas that i really like for my front cover. I like the idea of combining all these magazines together to create a very cultural, fashion & music magazine.

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