Friday 14 January 2011

Evaluation - Representation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When designing my magazine, I had to think about the social groups and what kind of people I would aim my magazine at (this being rated on the socio-economic scale as well). Because i made a hybrid genre magazine, full of fashion, music & culture - my magazine would be aimed at people who think of themselves as fashionistas, people who always want to keep up to date with the trends and whats/whos cool, and aspirers.

When doing my article, i wanted to choose someone i could write about who was known for both music, and fashion - And sticking to my idea of the weird and wonderful (the name 'Circus' being insipired by this) I could think of no one better than Lady Gaga.

So, i looked into various times when Gaga has appeared in magazines and how she has been represtented. I wanted to stick to the chic, elegant kind of magazine's such as Vogue, so when i found that Gaga had done a feature with Vogue, i thought it would be perfect for me to look at it and take ideas from it on how the photo's had been constructed. Lady Gaga is known for being crazy with her looks, but still keeping her class and dignity - which i think is why so many people admire her. I really thought the Vogue shoot she did was absoloutely beautiful - So i took inspiration from this when taking my images (Very much so when i took the image for my double page spread (The image to the left)). I thought that Gaga's pose was very sexy, I loved the way she had one hand subtly rested on her face, with her small finger rested on her lip and the rest of her fingers running through her hair and messing it up (adding to the sexual feeling of this image). I chose to copy this idea when taking my image (and all of my images - sticking to the theme of elegance and sexy, but yet not crushing any dignity), but instead, i had Vicky using her other hand to big up the other side of her hair - adding more sexual feeling to the feeling as well as interest. The subjective gaze is also sexy - and keeping the eye make up simple, but emphaysising the eyebrows really makes the eyes stand out.
I chose to take my photo from a low angle, but not too low. I thought that if i took my photo from a low angle, then Vicky ('Gaga') would be looking down on the camera - This could be representative of her being a dominant and powerful woman because she is looking down on the camera, this also emphasises her status within the world and how she is 'high up' in both the fashion and music industry.
I have really reinforced the stereotype of my magazine audience in these photos - By having Vicky look beautiful - with stunning hair, makeup and clothes. This follows the typical idea of the woman wanting to be beautiful and being self concious of their looks - and the people in magazines being their muse and who they want to be.
Being a fashion magazine, my magazine would obviously have a pro-comunist stance - because it would be showing loads of different clothes/accessories/shoes and giving a name and price as to where to buy them (so the reader can keep up with the trend - the whole point of a fashion magazine). My magazine would also be quite full of Advertisments - but advertisments that follow the genre of my magazine, so they would be for high end fashion and lifestyle brands (such as Chanel, Gucci, Christian Louboutin, etc)

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