Friday 22 October 2010

My College Magazine - Front Cover.

Overall, i was really pleased with my final outcome of my college magazine. I chose to call my magazine 'OMG', as i thought it linked in well with the idea of my magazine being a college magazine, because this kind of language is commonly known as 'slang' or 'text' language, which is conventionally used by teenagers/students.
I photographed my friend Sophie (a ENSFC student), and as i thought i would base my cover on a more fashion based idea, we decided to dress her the way we did, aswell as posing the way she is (The subjective gaze is common for most 'fashion' based covers). I was really pleased with the photo's i got and decided this one was perfect for my front cover, because although the image is to the left of the page, it is still the focal point of the cover as Sophie is slightly leaning inwards.
Also, having The image to the left of the page then gave me the idea of having the title in the bottom right where there was a large area that could be used for my title. Although it isn't typical of magazines to have the magazine title at the bottom of the page (and therefore, when the title isn't at the top it causes confusion of the magazines name), i think that my title looks bold in the bottom corner and is quite obvious.
When selecting the colours for my magazine i used a tool on photoshop to get the exact colours from the image of Sophies outfit. I used the pinky/red colour from her headscarf for the title as i thought it would even out the amount of that colour on the front cover, aswell as using it a few other times on the cover for smaller amounts of text. The issue's 'main story' title was then matched to the colour of the shirt she was wearing to even out that colour aswell. The rest of the text was either done in white or black as i thought i would stick to the colours that are being used and thought it would look tacky adding in other colours. Sticking to these 4 colours (red/pink, blue, black and white), i think managed to make my front cover look classy, bold and simple, without looking boring.
When it came to choosing my fonts for the front cover, i wanted a really unique and bold font for the title of my magazine, so i chose the font i used because i thought it looked bold and modern (and eyecatching, especially towards students). I then decided to keep the rest of my fonts quite simple (mostly sans sarif fonts) as i didn't want to make my front cover look to busy, and risk it looking tacky. To draw added attention to the text on the front cover, i added an outer and/or inner glow to most of them to make them stand out. I thought this did make them stand out and they didn't then look lost on the page.

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